The Sky Rider The Legend of Boot Hill, #5【電子書籍】[ Harlan Finchley ]


<p>When Gideon Pierce is saved from seemingly certain death by a mysterious stranger, he is free to return to Liberty, but that now appears to be an impossible task.</p> <p>With his adversaries embarking on their own plans to reach the golden object in the sky, there seems to be no way Gideon can even get into the town, never mind defeat them.</p> <p>To take on a gang of seemingly invincible gunslingers, Gideon must seek out an advantage, and he hopes that will come in the form of his savior, a man who knows more than he's prepared to reveal. But could that man's secrets create more trouble for Gideon than for Gideon's many adversaries?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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